MSK empowers young women through school wide projects and district events. MSK collaborate to learn leadership skills, engage in community service while learning to improve their relationships, communication and public speaking skills.
MBK Mission is to cultivate a brotherhood in and across our district community that will help engage, empower, elevate, and enlighten our boys and young men of color in order to actively address disparities in the achievement and opportunity gaps of boys and young men of color and ensure their social-emotional and academic success.
Student Council
The Student Council gives students a voice to make changes within their school community. We will work together to develop leadership skills, build relationships with the staff and students within the school, and develop school wide initiatives to build a school atmosphere based on what the students want.
To build critical thinking within children, this can be accomplished by teaching strategy and understanding. Playing the game of Chess builds purpose, every move must come with a purpose to benefit every opportunity. Students can use the same practice in their everyday life, every move in life should come with a purpose to succeed in the future.
Youth Court
Youth helps young people gain the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to serve on a youth court. Youth court practices will include: Restorative justice: respondents to take responsibility for their actions and repair harm caused by their behavior.